Related topics: gulf of mexico ยท oil spills

Japan sea sludge tells story of human impact on Earth

Beneath the seawater in Japan's Beppu Bay lie layers of seemingly unremarkable sediment and sludge that tell the story of how humans have fundamentally altered the world around them.

Apex predator of the Cambrian likely sought soft over crunchy prey

Biomechanical studies on the arachnid-like front "legs" of an extinct apex predator show that the 2-foot (60 centimeter) marine animal Anomalocaris canadensis was likely much weaker than once assumed. One of the largest animals ...

Increased flushing vital to Coorong's long-term health

A new study from University of Adelaide scientists has found that extremely high levels of salt and nutrients in the Coorong, an internationally important South Australian estuary at the end of the River Murray, is causing ...

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