Study outlines scenarios leading toward a circular food system

The EU wants to make the transition to a circular food system, where waste is minimized, waste products are recycled and our impact on the planet is reduced. But what will we eat in the circular food system? What kinds of ...

Scientists estimate sea kelp generates $500 bn a year

Undersea kelp forests generate some $500 billion in fishing revenue and other benefits while absorbing five million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year, scientists estimated in a study published Tuesday.

Researchers develop carbon-negative concrete

A viable formula for a carbon-negative, environmentally friendly concrete that is nearly as strong as regular concrete has been developed at Washington State University.

Fungi makes a meal of hard-to-recycle plastic

Polypropylene, a hard-to-recycle plastic, has successfully been biodegraded by two strains of fungi in a new experiment led by researchers at the University of Sydney.

Using MOCHAs to turn greenhouse gas into a value-added product

Thinking of CO2, terms like climate-damaging or waste product probably quickly come to mind. While CO2 has been that for a long time—a pure waste product—more and more processes are being developed with which the greenhouse ...

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