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Hubble captures blistering pitch-black planet

Astronomers have discovered that the well-studied exoplanet WASP-12b reflects almost no light, making it appear essentially pitch black. This discovery sheds new light on the atmospheric composition of the planet and also ...

Birds outsmart wasps to feed young

( —A species of bird found in Central and South America is able to supply its young with a steady diet of wasp larvae, evading stings from defending workers by using physical, not chemical tactics as previously ...

Megalara garuda: the King of Wasps

A new and unusual wasp species has been discovered during an expedition to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

Trees retaliate when their fig wasps don't service them

Figs and fig wasps have evolved to help each other out: Fig wasps lay their eggs inside the fruit where the wasp larvae can safely develop, and in return, the wasps pollinate the figs.

Ant has given up sex completely, researchers say

The complete asexuality of a widespread fungus-gardening ant, the only ant species in the world known to have dispensed with males entirely, has been confirmed by a team of Texas and Brazilian researchers.

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