Federal officials investigate walrus deaths in Alaska

Two groups of Pacific walrus have been found dead along the Chukchi Sea northwest of Alaska. One incident is the subject of a criminal investigation. The other has been blamed on natural causes.

Russian national park to bridge US-Russia divide

Russia on Thursday decreed a national park in its remote Far Eastern Chukotka region, paving the way for a joint US-Russian nature reserve spanning the Bering Strait, an idea first proposed by the last Soviet leader Mikhail ...

Walrus that attracted crowds in Oslo fjord euthanised

A walrus nicknamed Freya that attracted crowds while basking in the Oslo fjord was euthanised on Sunday, with Norway officials saying it was the only option but experts slamming an "infinitely sad" decision.

Extinction of Icelandic walrus coincides with Norse settlement

An international collaboration of scientists in Iceland, Denmark and the Netherlands has for the first time used ancient DNA analyses and C14-dating to demonstrate the past existence of a unique population of Icelandic walrus ...

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