Related topics: physical activity

A robot that jumps, flips, and does pull-ups

RHex is an all-terrain walking robot that could one day climb over rubble in a rescue mission or cross the desert with environmental sensors strapped to its back.

Russian astronauts to take Olympic torch on space walk

Russian astronauts will take an unlit Olympic torch on a space walk ahead of the country's hosting of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, the deputy head of the Russian space agency said on Sunday.

More efficient and reliable robotic-control systems

When a robot is moving one of its limbs through free space, its behavior is well-described by a few simple equations. But as soon as it strikes something solid—when a walking robot's foot hits the ground, or a grasping ...

China 'plans manned space launch' in 2013

China is aiming to launch its next manned space mission as early as June 2013, state media reported Saturday, as the country steps up its ambitious exploration programme.

China to land first moon probe next year (Update)

China has said it will land an exploratory craft on the moon for the first time next year, as part of an ambitious space programme that includes a long-term plan to put a man on the moon.

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