Related topics: sleep

Finding a gene that regulates sleep

What keeps us awake—and helps us fall asleep? The answer is complex, but involves what are called circadian rhythms, which are found in all species with sleep-wake cycles—physical, mental, and behavioral changes that ...

Innovative method leads to smaller, cheaper IoT sensors

Researchers from the Green IC research group at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have invented a low-cost, no-battery wake-up timer in the form of an on-chip circuit that significantly reduces power consumption ...

A fatigue detection device to help keep your eyes on the road

An EPFL student has developed a video analysis algorithm able to estimate the level of a driver's fatigue based on the degree of eyelid closure. PSA Peugeot Citroën, a project partner, has built a prototype in order to test ...

Pilot policy lags behind research, says safety expert

Research by Dr Simon Bennett (pictured) of the Civil Safety and Security Unit in our Institute of Lifelong Learning has expressed his concern that aviation regulators are not taking account of research into the 'lived reality' ...

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