Their time to slime: who will be 'Mollusc of the Year'?

Will you choose beauty? The carnivorous Wavy Bubble Snail, perhaps, with its billowing skirts shimmering under UV light. Or will it be age? Like the venerable 500-year-old Methuselah oyster.

Hacking the election: questions and answers

The US government's accusation that Russian government-directed hacking aimed to disrupt the November election comes amid fears about the security of the voting process.

Online voting is a danger to democracy, says computer scientist

If, like a growing number of people, you're willing to trust the internet to safeguard your finances, shepherd your love life, and maybe even steer your car, being able to cast your vote online might seem like a logical, ...

New technology will make election voting more efficient

Did you stay up all night to hear your local result during the recent election? Time-consuming manual vote-counts and ballot boxes could soon be consigned to the history books, thanks to innovative new secure voting technology.

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