Related topics: volcano

Research team discovers third type of volcanic eruption

(—A team of researchers from New Zealand's Victoria University has discovered what its members believe to be, a third type of volcanic eruption. In their paper published in the journal Nature Geoscience, they describe ...

Remains of man in armour found at 'Pompeii of Japan'

The remains of a high-caste man wearing armour who was buried by hot ash—possibly as he tried to calm the wrath of an erupting volcano—have been found in an area known as the "Pompeii of Japan".

First satellite detection of volcanogenic carbon monoxide

Measuring and tracking the gases that vent from an erupting volcano is a project wrought with potential dangers and difficulties. On the ground measurements place researchers in harm's way, as do airborne sampling surveys. ...

Ash plume from Shiveluch volcano

When NASA's Terra satellite passed over Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula at noon local time (00:00 Universal Time) on October 6, 2012, Shilveluch Volcano was quiet (top image). By the time NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the ...

Guatemalan volcano erupting: NASA provides a satellite view

One of Central American's most active volcanos erupted on September 13th, 2012 prompting officials to evacuate 35,000 residents in Guatemala. The Volcan de Fuego, or Fire Volcano, began belching out ash at 10 a.m. local time ...

Guatemala volcano erupts outside tourist center

(AP)—A long-simmering volcano exploded into a series of powerful eruptions outside one of Guatemala's most famous tourist attractions on Thursday, hurling thick clouds of ash nearly two miles (three kilometers) high, spewing ...

Greek tourist island rules out volcano fears

The Greek tourist island of Santorini on Tuesday said fears of a volcanic eruption after a magma buildup recorded by scientists last year were unfounded as geological activity had returned to normal.

Satellite data confirms Santorini's growth

(—In the south Aegean Sea, the islands of Santorini have been showing signs of unrest for the first time in over half a century. Satellite data confirm that the islands have risen as much as 14 cm since January ...

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