Related topics: volcano

US budget cuts pare real-time volcano monitoring (Update)

Scientists monitoring Alaska's volcanoes have shut down stations that track eruptions in real time and put off repairing seismic equipment due to U.S. budget cuts—moves that could delay getting vital information to pilots ...

Antigua warns of emissions from Montserrat volcano

Shifting winds are blowing sulfurous winds from the Montserrat volcano across the nearby island of Antigua in the eastern Caribbean, prompting authorities there to urge precautions.

Ecuador volcano blasts lava high above crater

Volcano monitors say Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano shot lava a half mile (1 kilometer) above its crater overnight and blasted hot rock and gas nearly 2 miles (3 kilometers) down its flank.

Ash plume from Shiveluch volcano

When NASA's Terra satellite passed over Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula at noon local time (00:00 Universal Time) on October 6, 2012, Shilveluch Volcano was quiet (top image). By the time NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the ...

Guatemalan volcano erupting: NASA provides a satellite view

One of Central American's most active volcanos erupted on September 13th, 2012 prompting officials to evacuate 35,000 residents in Guatemala. The Volcan de Fuego, or Fire Volcano, began belching out ash at 10 a.m. local time ...

Guatemala volcano eruption draws tourists

(AP)—The eruption of the long-simmering Volcan del Fuego terrified nearby villagers but it has become a major draw for visitors in the nearby colonial city of Antigua.

Nicaragua volcano spews tons of ash

Nicaragua's San Cristobal volcano shot tons of ash into the sky after forcing evacuations of nearby towns, officials said.

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