Follow the radio waves to exomoons, astrophysicists say

Scientists hunting for life beyond Earth have discovered more than 1,800 planets outside our solar system, or exoplanets, in recent years, but so far, no one has been able to confirm an exomoon. Now, physicists from The University ...

New model shows Earth's deep mantle was drier from the start

Earth's mantle is the thick layer of silicate rock between Earth's crust and its molten core, making up about 84% of our planet's volume. The mantle is predominantly solid but, on geologic time scales, it behaves as a viscous ...

Lahar detection system upgraded for Mount Rainier

In the shadow of Washington State's Mount Rainier, about 90,000 people live in the path of a potential large lahar—a destructive, fluid and fast-moving debris flow associated with volcanic slopes.

Study shows Maya intensively cultivated manioc 1,400 years ago

A University of Colorado at Boulder team has uncovered an ancient and previously unknown Maya agricultural system -- a large manioc field intensively cultivated as a staple crop that was buried and exquisitely preserved under ...

Rock of ages: Clues about Mars evolution revealed

Through the study of a popular Martian meteorite's age, a University of Houston professor and his team have made significant discoveries about the timeline of volcanic activity on Mars.

Kepler and the Search for Life in Our Galaxy

( -- There are so many stars in our galaxy that even if planets with complex life (animals and plants) are rare - say one for every billion stars - there could still be dozens here in the Milky Way. But we are ...

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