Scientists offer new theory for largest known mass extinction

The largest mass extinction in the history of the earth could have been triggered off by giant salt lakes, whose emissions of halogenated gases changed the atmospheric composition so dramatically that vegetation was irretrievably ...

A volcanic binge and its frosty hangover

A major volcanic event could have triggered one of the largest glaciations in Earth's history—the Gaskiers glaciation, which turned the Earth into a giant snowball approximately 580 million years ago. Researchers from Heidelberg ...

NASA aids Kilauea disaster response

On May 3, the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii's Big Island erupted from new fissures and sent lava flowing over streets and neighborhoods. As the disaster response on the ground led by the U.S. Geological Survey kicked into gear, ...

Hi-tech opens up Earth's secrets

A JCU scientist has developed a hi-tech animation of millions of years of tectonic plate movements that could lead to new mineral discoveries and help predict volcanic eruptions.

European eyes on a Californian earthquake

The European Space Agency (ESA) recently captured stunning images of the earthquake that occurred in California's Napa Valley region on August 24, 2014. The earthquake was the largest to rattle northern California in 25 years.

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