Tonnes of garbage cleaned up from Galapagos coast

Officials at Ecuador's Galapagos National Park say they have collected 22 tonnes of garbage since January off the coasts of the pristine archipelago, some of it from as far away as Asia.

Scientists capture sounds of volcanic thunder

Researchers report in a new study that they've documented rumblings of volcanic thunder for the first time, a feat considered nearly impossible by many volcanologists.

Strong quake rocks Jakarta, 6.0 magnitude: USGS

Indonesia's capital Jakarta was rocked Tuesday by a strong earthquake which forced some buildings to be evacuated, but there was no immediate tsunami threat or reported injuries, a government agency said.

How the Pacific seafloor got its 60-degree bend

Hawaii sits at the end of a chain of volcanoes running across the Pacific Ocean floor, but in the middle of this chain lies a bend of 60 degrees. For many decades geoscientists have struggled to explain exactly how and why ...

'Ring of Fire' volcanos remind Asia of seismic peril

The horseshoe-shaped string of active volcanos bounding the Pacific Ocean has lived up to its "Ring of Fire" name in the past month, sparking mass evacuations in Indonesia and Vanuatu and now setting parts of southwestern ...

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