Mars rovers safe from lightning strikes, research finds

If experiments done in small bottles in a University of Oregon lab are accurate, the friction of colliding Martian dust particles are unlikely to generate big electrical storms or threaten the newly arrived exploration vehicles ...

Discovering new gases on Mars

The ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter is investigating the martian atmosphere. Discovering new gases related to active process and looking for their sources is a key goal of the mission. ExoMars has discovered hydrogen ...

Red sky in sight shows charging at height

The Saharan dust cloud that cast a red glow over the UK last autumn helped scientists to take a step forward in understanding how to prepare for future volcanic eruptions.

Don't build your model on sand

Volcanic ash can damage jet engines, and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich volcanologists have developed a new empirical model for assessment of the risk. Their results show that tests using sand do not reflect ...

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