Volcano erupts on Hawaii's Big Island, draws crowds to park

Kilauea volcano on Hawaii's Big Island roared back to life Sunday night as lava went shooting into the air, boiling away a water lake and sending a massive plume of steam, gas and ash soaring into the atmosphere.

Secret of Australia's volcanoes revealed in new study

Australia's east coast is littered with the remnants of hundreds of volcanoes—the most recent just a few thousand years old—and scientists have been at a loss to explain why so many eruptions have occurred over the past ...

Chinese craft returns to Earth with Moon rocks

An unmanned Chinese spacecraft carrying rocks and soil from the Moon returned safely to Earth early Thursday, completing another chapter in China's effort to become a space superpower.

Thousands flee as Indonesian volcano bursts to life

Thousands have fled the scene of a rumbling Indonesian volcano that burst to life for the first time in several years, belching a massive column of smoke and ash, the disaster agency said Monday.

Creating chaos: Craters and collapse on Mars

Elevation can be deceiving in satellite imagery of Mars, even when differences are extreme—as demonstrated by this image of Pyrrhae Regio from ESA's Mars Express. A chunk of terrain has collapsed and dropped more than four ...

Crystals reveal the danger of sleeping volcanoes

Most active volcanoes on Earth are dormant, meaning that they have not erupted for hundreds or even thousands of years, and are normally not considered hazardous by the local population. A team of volcanologists from the ...

Giant metallic 'steed' traverses Iceland's threatened glacier

Instead of a slow slog on snowshoes, a giant bus sweeps passengers at up to 60 kilometres an hour across Iceland's second largest glacier, which scientists predict will likely be nearly gone by the end of the century.

ALMA shows volcanic impact on Io's atmosphere

New radio images from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) show for the first time the direct effect of volcanic activity on the atmosphere of Jupiter's moon Io.

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