Amazon streams video to Xbox 360 consoles

Online retail powerhouse on Tuesday announced a collaboration with Microsoft to begin streaming films and television shows to Xbox 360 videogame consoles.

TVs getting 'smarter' but maybe not better

If last week's Consumer Electronics Show is any indication, the next major computing device to enter consumers' homes will be a "smart" television - whether viewers like it or not.

Microsoft adds voice search to Xbox Live

Microsoft on Monday began adding voice search to Xbox Live as it continues to transform its videogame consoles into hubs for online entertainment in digital age living rooms.

Always connected lifestyle on display at CES

Smarter devices, homes and cars for the always connected lifestyle are taking center stage as the annual Consumer Electronics Show kicks off here on Thursday.

Preview of what's to see on Google TV

Google revealed new details about its Google TV system last week with the launch of a new Web site, and Logitech showed off the first piece of hardware running the Internet-TV system, a gadget called the Revue.

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