Air flows in mechanical device reveal secrets of speech pathology

From a baby's first blurted "bowl!'" for the word "ball" to the whispered goodbye of a beloved elder, the capacity for complex vocalizations is one of humankind's most remarkable attributes -- and perhaps one we take for ...

Wapiti whistles sound like Ringwraith shrieks

For a majestic animal that looks equally at home as the monarch of the glen or astride the great American Plains, the wapiti's call is somewhat disconcerting. Sounding more like the shrieking cries of a Lord of the Rings ...

Mice sing like a jet-engine

Mice court with love songs that are so high frequency they are inaudible to the human ear. New research published in Current Biology shows mice make their unique high frequency sounds in a surprising way that has only been ...

Can anyone learn to sing? For most of us, the answer is yes

Do you have a pair of vocal folds that can produce sound? Can you tell the difference between a higher note and a lower note? Good news! You and about 98.5% of the population absolutely can be taught how to sing.

Research explains basics of aerosol formation at the vocal folds

Very small exhaled droplets, so-called aerosol particles, play an important role in the airborne transmission of pathogens such as the coronavirus. Researchers in the field of fluid mechanics used a model to investigate how ...

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