Mapping the olfactory system in fruit flies

The distinctive smell of a flower… the unmistakable aroma of coffee… the dangers linked with inhaling smoke fumes. Sensory systems have evolved to provide us with immediate, finely tuned information about the world around ...

New Insight Into How Bees See

New research from Monash University bee researcher Adrian Dyer could lead to improved artificial intelligence systems and computer programs for facial recognition.

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Visual system

The visual system is the part of the central nervous system which enables organisms to see. It interprets the information from visible light to build a representation of the world surrounding the body. The visual system accomplishes a number of complex tasks, including the reception of light, and the formation of monocular representations; the construction of a binocular perception from a pair of two dimensional projections; the identification and categorization of visual objects; assessing distances to and between objects; and guiding body movements to visual objects. The psychological manifestation of visual information is known as visual perception.

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