Machine learning improves Hawai'i rainfall mapping

Rainfall map accuracy is vital in climate and hydraulic modeling and supports environmental management decision making, water resource planning and weather forecasting. University of Hawaiʻi and East-West Center researchers ...

Multifactor weighting method for enhanced composite images

In a study published in the Journal of Remote Sensing on 28 September 2023, a team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Forestry and the University of Maryland has developed a sophisticated Multifactor Weighting (MFW) ...

How information design eases our understanding of the world

"How do you land a 2,000-pound rover on a planet 100 million miles away from Earth without controlling it in real time?" asked Mark Davis, an Emmy-winning producer and director of science and technology documentaries for ...

Seeing data

More data are being created, consumed, and transported than ever before, and in all areas of society, including business, government, health care, and science. The hope and promise is that this influx of information—known ...

GeoFlow takes data for a 3-D drive

In November, during the SharePoint Conference 2012, attendees received a Public Preview of project codename "GeoFlow" for Excel, the latest business-intelligence (BI) functionality to be integrated with Microsoft Excel 2013 ...

Data gains power through graphics and charts, specialists say

It seems like big data is everywhere you look. And in a way, it is: Maps, medical scans, and weather charts are commonplace forms of data visualization. Each was examined during "Thinking with Your Eyes," a two-day conference ...

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