Earth's past, made visible

New visualizations of the Earth from space provide a unique image of how the Earth has changed over the past 750 million years.

Hummingbirds see motion in an unexpected way

Have you ever imagined what the world must look like to hummingbirds as they zoom about at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour? According to new evidence on the way the hummingbird brain processes visual signals reported in ...

Reforming coral reefs using 3D printing

The world's coral reefs are becoming extinct due to many factors such as global warming and accelerated urbanization in coastal areas, which places tremendous stress on marine life. "The rapid decline of coral reefs has increased ...

How to crowdsource your happy space

An online platform aims to use digital crowdsourcing to distil people's positive perceptions of certain London neighbourhoods into the visual and physical aspects that most invoke feelings of happiness or calm – by inviting ...