Simulating the three-dimensional morphology of kilonovae

An advanced new three-dimensional (3D) computer simulation of the light emitted following a merger of two neutron stars has produced a similar sequence of spectroscopic features to an observed kilonova.

New technology illuminates colder objects in deep space

Too cool and faint, many objects in the universe are impossible to detect with visible light. Now a Northwestern University team has refined a new technology that could make these colder objects more visible, paving the way ...

Radio telescope gets upgrade at Brookhaven lab

A radio telescope at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory has received a significant upgrade, advancing from one dish to four. The upgrades are part of the Laboratory's ongoing effort to test ...

Image: Integral space observatory's orbits visualized

ESA's Integral space observatory has been orbiting Earth for 15 years, observing the ever-changing, powerful and violent cosmos in gamma rays, X-rays and visible light. Studying stars exploding as supernovas, monster black ...

Unique terahertz microscope can be operated remotely

With a wave length of about half a millimeter, terahertz radiation fills the gap between visible light and radio waves. This radiation lends itself very well to the in-depth measurement of the electrical properties of new ...

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