Levitation trick gives drag the slip

Plunging hot spheres into viscous liquids reveals a way to reduce fluid resistance without complex engineering procedures.

The natural '“coat'” for a stronger outfit

Coated fabrics have been used in many applications such as agriculture, geotextiles, building and construction, medical, filtration and protective clothing. Coating of fabrics involves applying viscous liquid on the surface ...

Modelling micro-swimmers for drug delivery

Mathematical models of the motion of cells in viscous liquids that show how this motion is affected by the presence of a surfactant coating have applications in the design of artificial micro-swimmers for targeted drug delivery, ...

Stirred, not shaken: Physicists gain more particle control

Cornell physicists can now precisely control how particles in viscous liquids swirl, twirl and whirl. Think of coffee and adding cream—and gaining control of the particles in the cream. Understanding this concept could ...

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