Researchers demonstrate new MEMS dynamic rheometer (w/ Video)

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have demonstrated a microminiaturized device that can make complex viscosity measurements -- critical data for a wide variety of fields dealing with things ...

Nanomagnets purify blood

Swiss scientists have succeeded in clearing a toxin from blood in just a few minutes, using specially produced nanomagnets. The procedure appears promising. If the method can be put into practice, it could one day help people ...

Earth's mantle flows fast

( -- The Earth's mantle flows far more rapidly around a sinking tectonic plate than previously thought, according to new computer modeling by UC Davis geologists. The findings could change the way that we think ...

Butterfly proboscis to sip cells

A butterfly's proboscis looks like a straw -- long, slender, and used for sipping -- but it works more like a paper towel, according to Konstantin Kornev of Clemson University. He hopes to borrow the tricks of this piece ...

Researchers Develop New Glue from Corn

After the oil is extracted from corn germ meal, the corn germ is typically fed to poultry and other livestock animals. But a new, value-added use could be on tap for this “leftover,” thanks to studies by an Agricultural ...

Water in Earth's mantle may be associated with subduction

A team of scientists from Oregon State University has created the first global three-dimensional map of electrical conductivity in the Earth's mantle and their model suggests that that enhanced conductivity in certain areas ...

Multi-laboratory study sizes up nanoparticle sizing

As a result of a major inter-laboratory study, the standards body ASTM International has been able to update its guidelines for a commonly used technique for measuring the size of nanoparticles in solutions. The study, which ...

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