Related topics: vaccine

Details of lab-made bird flu won't be revealed (Update)

The U.S. government paid scientists to figure out how the deadly bird flu virus might mutate to become a bigger threat to people - and two labs succeeded in creating new strains that are easier to spread.

Supercomputing helps reveal weaknesses in HIV-1 virus

Much remains to be discovered on how the HIV-1 virus infects our cells. Scientists know that it slips past the defenses of our immune system, entering white blood cells to deliver its genetic payload and hijack the cell's ...

Why do some influenza virus subtypes die out?

Every so often we hear about a new strain of influenza virus which has appeared and in some cases may sweep across the globe in a pandemic, much as the H1N1 virus did last year. What happens to the old seasonal viruses? In ...

Crowd-sourcing the E. coli O104:H4 outbreak

Ten variants of the deadly Escherichia coli strain that hit Germany in May 2011 have been sequenced across the world. The unprecedented level of collaboration across the scientific community should give insight into how the ...

Research evolves to face rabbit control challenge

The Western Australian Department of Agriculture's invasive species science group is asking residents to help them with their latest research into controlling growing rabbit populations.

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