Related topics: virus

Study offers new information for flu fight

Influenza virus can rapidly evolve from one form to another, complicating the effectiveness of vaccines and anti-viral drugs used to treat it. By first understanding the complex host cell pathways that the flu uses for replication, ...

Juvenile diarrhea virus analyzed

Rice University scientists have defined the structure -- down to the atomic level -- of a virus that causes juvenile diarrhea. The research may help direct efforts to develop medications that block the virus before it becomes ...

Scientists find measles' natural nemesis

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have found that a known enzyme in cells protects against measles virus, likely by altering the virus's genetic material, RNA. Cells lacking the enzyme become highly vulnerable ...

Flu's Evolution Strategy Strikes Perfect Balance

( -- Scientists have uncovered the flu's secret formula for effectively evolving within and between host species: balance. The key lies with the flu's unique replication process, which has evolved to produce enough ...

Cell biologist pinpoints how RNA viruses copy themselves

Nihal Altan-Bonnet, assistant professor of cell biology, Rutgers University in Newark, and her research team have made a significant new discovery about RNA (Ribonucleic acid) viruses and how they replicate themselves.

Mystery solved: Scientists now know how smallpox kills

A team of researchers working in a high containment laboratory at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA, have solved a fundamental mystery about smallpox that has puzzled scientists long after the ...

Learning how to control HIV from African genomes

A study on almost four thousand people of African descent has identified a gene that acts as natural defense against HIV by limiting its replication in certain white blood cells. An international effort co-led by EPFL, Canada's ...

A step on the way to better therapies against viruses

Most cells can defend themselves against viruses after they have been activated by the body's own messenger substances (interferons). This happens with the help of proteins that recognize invading virus components and interfere ...

New study defines spread of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer

North American white-tailed deer—shown in 2021 surveys of five states to have SARS-CoV-2 infection rates of up to 40%—shed and transmit the virus for up to five days once infected, according to a new study.

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