A replaceable, more efficient filter for N95 masks

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there's been a worldwide shortage of face masks—particularly, the N95 ones worn by health care workers. Although these coverings provide the highest level of protection currently available, ...

Animals keep viruses in the sea in balance

A variety of sea animals can take up virus particles while filtering seawater for oxygen and food. Sponges are particularly efficient. That was written by marine ecologist Jennifer Welsh from NIOZ this week, in a publication ...

First robust cell culture model for the hepatitis E virus

Even though hepatitis E causes over 3 million infections and about 70,000 deaths each year, the virus has been little studied. Now, a research team from Bochum and Hanover has developed a robust cell model of the pathogen. ...

Mechanism to form influenza A virus discovered

The influenza A virus is known to form new strains every year. These strains are the result of small variations occurring at the level of the genome, which cause the virus to change and become unfamiliar to the immune system. ...

Artificial intelligence detects the presence of viruses

Many biosensing applications rely on characterization of specific analytes such as proteins, viruses and bacteria, among many other targets, which can be accomplished by using micro- or nano-scale particles. In such biosensors, ...

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