Scientists discover virus-like particles in Bryozoa

Scientists from Russia, Austria, and the USA have discovered virus-like particles in the bacterial symbionts of Bryozoa—a phylum of colonial aquatic invertebrates—filter-feeders dominating in many bottom ecosystems. The ...

Sorting out viruses with machine learning

The ongoing global pandemic has created an urgent need for rapid tests that can diagnose the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the pathogen that causes COVID-19, and distinguish it from other respiratory viruses. Now, researchers ...

Nanotech filter coating offers promise against COVID-19

A physics professor from the University of Houston has developed a nanotech coating designed to allow air filters to capture airborne or aerosolized droplets of the virus that causes COVID-19.

Researchers glimpse how virus particles assemble inside the cell

An international team of researchers were able visualize how orthoreovirus assembles inside infected cells, using cryo-electron tomography at the Electron Bio-Imaging Center (eBIC) at Diamond Light Source, the UK's national ...

Pioneering method reveals dynamic structure in HIV

Viruses are scary. They invade our cells like invisible armies, and each type brings its own strategy of attack. While viruses devastate communities of humans and animals, scientists scramble to fight back. Many utilize electron ...

Herpesvirsuses hedge their bets to optimize survival

When investors hedge a bet, they divvy their money between risky investments, which might make a large profit, and safe investments, which help ensure that not everything is lost in a market crash. The herpesvirus cytomegalovirus, ...

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