Related topics: virus

Coinfection: More than the sum of its parts

Organ and stem cell transplants are proven and frequently used methods in modern clinical practice. However, even when performed regularly in specialized centers, some patients still experience a number of serious complications ...

Researchers develop virus live stream to study virus infection

Researchers from the Hubrecht Institute and Utrecht University have developed an advanced technique to monitor a virus infection live. The researchers from the groups of Marvin Tanenbaum and Frank van Kuppeveld expect that ...

Researchers reveal unveils how HIV begins to invade cells

Scientists at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have developed a method to understand how HIV and other viruses first begin to infect our cells, and that could help us prevent COVID-19 and other diseases.

Sugar-coated viral proteins hijack and hitch a ride out of cells

Researchers from the Universities of Melbourne, York, Warwick and Oxford have shed light on how encapsulated viruses like hepatitis B, dengue and SARS-CoV-2 hijack the protein manufacturing and distribution pathways in the ...

A bacterial virus helped the spread of a new Salmonella strain

Salmonella is associated with a large number of cases of foodborne infection resulting in diarrhea and in some cases severe complications. Half of all Salmonella infections in the European Union are linked to pigs, and a ...

How SARS-CoV-2 disables the human cellular alarm system

As the world is more than half a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and researchers have a fairly good idea of what the main symptoms of the disease look like: cough, fever, shortness of breath, and fatigue, among others. ...

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