Researchers uncover the architecture of poxvirus cores

A recent re-emergence and outbreak of mpox brought poxviruses back as a public health threat, underlining an important knowledge gap at their core. Now, a team of researchers from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria ...

An automated tool for assessing virus data quality

Through advances in sequencing technologies and computational approaches, more and more virus sequences are being recovered and identified from environmental samples (metagenomes). However, the quality and completeness of ...

Catching the common cold virus genome

A new study by Brigham Young University researchers on the virus behind nearly half of all cold infections explains how and where evolution occurs in the rhinovirus genome and what this means for possible vaccines.

Sequencing Ebola's secrets

Last June, in the early days of the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa, a team of researchers sequenced the genome of the deadly virus at unprecedented scale and speed. Their findings revealed a number of critical facts as ...

Physiological mechanisms leading to enterovirus opening revealed

Enteroviruses are one of the most common human pathogens leading to high number of acute and chronic infections worldwide. The physiological events leading to successful enterovirus infection are still poorly understood. ...

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