Researchers discover a way to detect new viruses

( —In research published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Saint Louis University researchers describe a technology that can detect new, previously unknown viruses. The technique offers the ...

Looking for risky viruses now to get ahead of future pandemics

Most of what scientists know about viruses in animals is the list of nucleotides that compose their genomic sequence—which, while valuable, offers very few hints about a virus's ability to infect humans.

Flu's Evolution Strategy Strikes Perfect Balance

( -- Scientists have uncovered the flu's secret formula for effectively evolving within and between host species: balance. The key lies with the flu's unique replication process, which has evolved to produce enough ...

Viruses act like 'self-packing suitcases'

Researchers at the University of Leeds have identified a crucial stage in the lifecycle of simple viruses like polio and the common cold that could open a new front in the war on viral disease.

Fighting COVID with COVID

What if the COVID-19 virus could be used against itself? Researchers at Penn State have designed a proof-of-concept therapeutic that may be able to do just that. The team designed a synthetic defective SARS-CoV-2 virus that ...

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