Scientists identify therapeutic target for Epstein-Barr virus

A new study by researchers at The Wistar Institute, an international biomedical research leader in cancer, immunology, infectious disease, and vaccine development, has identified a new potential pathway for developing therapeutics ...

Novel coronavirus discovered in British bats

A coronavirus related to the virus that causes COVID-19 in humans has been found in UK horseshoe bats—according to new collaborative research from the University of East Anglia, ZSL (Zoological Society of London), and Public ...

Effect of small polyanions on retroviruses

A retrovirus is a virus that inserts a copy of its genome into the DNA of a host cell that it invades, thus changing that cell's genome. Once inside the host cell's cytoplasm, the virus uses its reverse transcriptase enzyme ...

AI may predict the next virus to jump from animals to humans

Most emerging infectious diseases of humans (like COVID-19) are zoonotic—caused by viruses originating from other animal species. Identifying high-risk viruses earlier can improve research and surveillance priorities. A ...

Novel coronavirus discovered in British bats

A coronavirus related to the virus that causes COVID-19 in humans has been found in UK horseshoe bats—according to new collaborative research from the University of East Anglia, ZSL (Zoological Society of London), and Public ...

Fighting COVID with COVID

What if the COVID-19 virus could be used against itself? Researchers at Penn State have designed a proof-of-concept therapeutic that may be able to do just that. The team designed a synthetic defective SARS-CoV-2 virus that ...

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