Related topics: game

'New normal' nudged people online

The national and local lockdowns put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to re-evaluate the way they lived and worked. Research published in the International Journal of Web Based Communities looks at ...

Virtual reality tool to be used in the fight against disease

Science has the technology to measure the activity of every gene within a single individual cell, and just one experiment can generate thousands of cells worth of data. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now revolutionized ...

Facebook, the metaverse and the monetisation of higher education

The metaverse is a virtual world in which users, represented by an avatar, can shop, socialize, take part in leisure activities—and learn. Its development has become a priority for many tech companies, including Facebook ...

Socializing in the time of COVID

If working practices and education have been compromised by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, then so too, obviously, have our social lives. The limitations of lockdowns and keeping apart to reduce the risk of catching or passing ...

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