Video game makers finding their way in virtual worlds

Wizards duel and players transform into tribal warriors and fierce jaguars—welcome to the world of virtual reality at the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) video game industry gathering.

Video game industry shoots for momentum at E3 show

Virtual reality, streaming play and titles tailored for smartphones are expected to generate buzz at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) video game extravaganza kicking off in Los Angeles.

DICE Summit a chance for game creators to recharge, reflect

For elite members of the video game industry, the D.I.C.E. Summit isn't merely a chance to schmooze at the poker table or on the golf course in Las Vegas. It's also an opportunity to address issues and innovations, ranging ...

Virtual reality game to teach peacekeeping skills

A new virtual reality game to train international military and police in peacekeeping skills such as communication, cultural sensitivity and gender awareness is being developed by an EU-wide consortium led by a team of researchers ...

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