Holodesk prototype puts life in computers (w/ video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- A research project at Microsoft Research Cambridge has brought forth a prototype called Holodesk, which lets you manipulate virtual objects with your hand. You literally "get your hands on" the virtual display. ...

Stackable 'holobricks' can make giant 3D images

Researchers have developed a new method to display highly realistic holographic images using 'holobricks' that can be stacked together to generate large-scale holograms.

Future science: Using 3D worlds to visualize data

Take a walk through a human brain? Fly over the surface of Mars? Computer scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago are pushing science fiction closer to reality with a wraparound virtual world where a researcher ...

Functionality of smartphones integrated into ordinary glasses

Spin-off company Dispelix Oy will commercialise a new display – developed by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland – which brings visual information directly into the user's field of vision, as a high-definition image ...

Beyond Google Glass: Researcher looks to the future

(Phys.org) —A wearable display being developed by UA optical scientist Hong Hua could have capabilities even more advanced than those of the recently unveiled Google Glass, a pair of glasses with smartphone capabilities.

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