Mexican technology saves papaya production by detecting virus

Mexico is considered one of the leading countries in papaya productions, but its crops are usually affected by the virus of the ringed spot, which leaves ring marks in the skin of the fruit and causes softening of the papaya, ...

How to better understand what makes a virus win during transmission?

Estimating fitness variation among microorganisms, meaning their aptitude to survive and reproduce in given conditions, allows researchers to predict their infection trajectories in single hosts and transmission in host populations. ...

New findings reveal how influenza virus hijacks human cells

Influenza is and remains a disease to reckon with. Seasonal epidemics around the world kill several hundred thousand people every year. In the light of looming pandemics if bird flu strains develop the ability to infect humans ...

Netherlands steps up measures to fight bird flu

The Netherlands shuttered petting zoos and banned duck hunting as it stepped up measures Monday to stem a bird flu outbreak blamed for killing scores of poultry and more than a thousand wild birds.

Biosensors: A handy kit

( -- A silicon-based microfluidic chip that distinguishes different viral strains shows potential for the quick on-site diagnosis of infectious diseases.

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