How maps are used and abused in times of conflict

Maps, although seemingly objective representations of the world, hold immense power. They shape our understanding of space, navigate our journeys and define political boundaries. But beneath the veneer of neutrality lies ...

Vietnam's 'Silicon Valley' sparks startup boom

Recent Vietnamese graduate looking for an English-language teacher? There's an app for that. Or hunting the best bowl of pho in your Hanoi neighbourhood? There's now an app for that, too.

Joysticks transform US warfare in Afghanistan

In battle they take out Taliban fighters with joystick-controlled weapons, while back at base American soldiers hook up their Xboxes and kill their way through video games.

1C adds Russian intrigue to action videogames

Videogame powerhouse 1C Company is tapping into history with action titles that show who the good guys are in a battle can depend on which army is being asked.

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