NASA rover launch to Mars delayed to Nov 26

The US space agency has postponed by one day its plan to launch the biggest rover ever to Mars, with the liftoff of the Mars Science Laboratory now set for November 26.

Space first: Live 3-D images from orbit

Astronauts have produced the first live 3-D video images in the 50-year history of space travel, the European Space Agency (ESA) said on Wednesday.

Video: The Webb Space Telescope's sunshield

The newest video in the "Behind the Webb" series takes viewers behind the scenes to reveal how the pieces that make up each layer of the James Webb Space Telescope's thin sunshield are bonded together.

Stunning Lyrid meteor over earth at night

( -- On the night of April 21, the 2012 Lyrid meteor shower peaked in the skies over Earth. While NASA allsky cameras were looking up at the night skies, astronaut Don Pettit aboard the International Space Station ...

Five workplace trends will shape life after lockdown

We are experiencing the biggest remote work experiment in history—but many are beginning to imagine life after lockdown. Amid unprecedented global job losses, concerns about transport infrastructure and the continuing need ...

Ecuador launches first homemade satellite

Ecuador launched its first satellite into space from China Friday morning, in a moment broadcast live on radio and television back home.

Video: Best of Alpha mission timelapse

A collection of the best timelapse videos made during ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet's second mission to the International Space Station, "Alpha" in 2021. The camera is setup to take pictures at intervals of two a second, and ...

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