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White House threatens veto over net neutrality

The White House warned on Tuesday that President Barack Obama would veto a resolution introduced in the Senate that seeks to overturn "net neutrality" rules aimed at ensuring an open Internet.

Coinstar's 3Q earnings soar, Redbox prices to rise

(AP) -- Redbox's DVD rental kiosks are attracting movie lovers fed up with Netflix's video subscription service. But now Redbox's owner, Coinstar Inc., is risking its own customer backlash by raising its prices, the same ...

Netflix to provide service to the UK, Ireland

Netflix Inc. plans to offer its online subscription service to the United Kingdom and Ireland starting early next year, providing access to movies and television shows.

Hulu shows heading for Nintendo Wii and 3DS

Nintendo said Friday that online video service Hulu Plus will stream movies and television shows to Wii and 3DS videogame systems by the end of the year.

Viacom to NY court: Scrap YouTube copyright ruling

A lawyer for Viacom Inc. warned an appeals court panel Tuesday that there will be greater exploitation of copyright material on the Internet if the court lets YouTube get away with a business built on "rampant copyright infringement."

Hola, Hulu! Univision telenovelas come online

(AP) -- Univision, the nation's No. 1 Spanish-language broadcaster, is bringing its popular telenovelas and other prime-time TV programming to online video service Hulu.

Annoyed consumers have alternatives to Netflix

If you're ticked off at Netflix because of its recent price increases and service changes, the good news is you've got plenty of options for streaming video. The bad news is that none offers exactly what you get from Netflix.

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