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Skype to replace Microsoft Messenger in March

Microsoft on Wednesday sent out word that it will "retire" its Messenger online chat feature on March 15 and replace it with the Skype Internet telephony service it bought last year.

Software enables avatar to reproduce our emotions in real time

(—You move, he moves. You smile, he smiles. You get angry, he gets angry. "He" is the avator you chose. Faceshift, from EPFL's Computer Graphics and Geometry Laboratory, now offers a software program that could ...

Tech review: A gaggle of Android phones

I think I'll join the folks who have told me they've had enough iPhone news for now. Let's look at three Android phones from different carriers.

Philippines appeals to hackers to cease attacks

Hackers incensed by the Philippines' controversial cybercrime law have attacked government sites that deliver emergency information during natural disasters, an official said Saturday.

Philippine president defends cybercrime law

Philippine President Benigno Aquino defended a new cybercrime law Friday amid a storm of protests from critics who say it will severely curb Internet freedoms and intimidate web users into self-censorship.

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