Algorithm automatically cuts boring parts from long videos

Smartphones, GoPro cameras and Google Glass are making it easy for anyone to shoot video anywhere. But, they do not make it any easier to watch the tedious videos that can result. Carnegie Mellon University computer scientists, ...

Why cells allow the passage of disease

Using a digital microscopic holography technique, specialists at the Center for Research in Optics in Mexico, seek to know under what conditions the membranes of cells are deformed or broken, and determine how the permission ...

Football displays fractal dynamics

Football fascinates millions of fans, almost all of them unaware that the game is subject to the laws of physics. Despite their seemingly arbitrary decisions, players obey certain rules, as they constantly adjust their positions ...

Calculating waiting time at security control

Thermal imaging cameras at airports could calculate queues and check-in times better than systems that make estimates using Bluetooth and WiFi on passengers' mobiles.

UK police trial vest-mounted cameras after killing

London's police force said Thursday it was rolling out vest-mounted video cameras to some of the capital's 2,300 firearms officers, hoping to help build public confidence after a contentious inquest verdict on a fatal shooting.

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