Developing wet circuits for biology research

You don't have to be an engineer to know that water and electronics don't mix. But if you want to use a sensing circuit to study small-scale features in a community of cells, the electronics must find a way to accommodate ...

New instrument automates analysis of human plasma

In his doctoral dissertation on analytical chemistry, MSc, MSc (Tech) Evgen Multia has developed new methods for studying biomacromolecules in blood plasma, and an instrument for it with patent pending.

Researchers study a novel type of extracellular vesicles

Researchers from Sechenov University and the University of Pittsburgh compared the properties of two groups of extracellular vesicles. Either present in a liquid phase or attached to the fibres of the extracellular matrix, ...

How an emerging tick-borne pathogen evades detection

Human babesiosis is an emerging infectious disease transmitted to humans by ticks. A team of Yale researchers has discovered how Babesia microti, one of the two Babesia parasite species that transmit the disease in the United ...

Highly sensitive method to detect potential cancer biomarker

Exosomes regulate intercellular communication in cancers, and are drawing attention as a potential cancer biomarker. A Japanese research group has developed a highly sensitive method for detecting these exosomes that could ...

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