Uncovering a promising use case for exosomes

Extracellular vesicles—or exosomes, as they are more commonly known—continue to be a curious research focus for the scientific community. Once assumed to be waste materials secreted by cells, exosomes have recently been ...

Study unveils new mechanism for long-distance cell communication

An extracellular vesicle—a nanoparticle released by cells—can use jerky movements similar to a car weaving in and out of traffic to navigate the obstacle-filled environment outside of cells, according to new discoveries ...

Maths—why many great discoveries would be impossible without it

Despite the fact that mathematics is often described as the underpinning science, it is often not given enough credit when scientific discoveries are presented. But the contribution of mathematics and statistics is essential ...

Emergent behavior lets bubbles 'sense' environment

Tiny, soapy bubbles can reorganize their membranes to let material flow in and out in response to the surrounding environment, according to new work carried out in an international collaboration by biomedical engineers at ...

'Cellular dust' provides new hope for regenerative medicine

While stem cells have the most therapeutic potential, the benefits of regenerative medicine may best be mobilised using extracellular vesicles (EVs), also known in the past as "cellular dust." A team of researchers from CNRS, ...

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