Vision, not limbs, led fish onto land 385 million years ago

A provocative new Northwestern University and Claremont McKenna, Scripps and Pitzer colleges study suggests it was the power of the eyes and not the limbs that first led our ancient aquatic ancestors to make the momentous ...

World's oldest turtle shells stand test of time

Plucked from a pit of grey clay next to a rubbish dump in southern Poland, fossilised turtle shells resembling the battle-scarred shields of ancient warriors are the world's oldest and most complete.

Researchers reveal how hearing evolved

Lungfish and salamanders can hear, despite not having an outer ear or tympanic middle ear. These early terrestrial vertebrates were probably also able to hear 300 million years ago, as shown in a new study by Danish researchers.

Dakotaraptor ruled Hell Creek Formation as lethal predator

Tyrannosaurus rex may have been known as the big guy around the Hell Creek Formation 66 million years ago, but a newly discovered species of raptor would have roamed the region as one of its most lethal predators.

Scientists discover megalodon shark nursery

( -- University of Florida researchers have discovered a 10-million-year-old Neotropical nursery area for the extinct megalodon shark in Panama, providing fossil evidence the fish used these areas to protect their ...

Light shed on koala evolution

( -- The world at large knows koalas as cute, cuddly, lovable iconic animals. The evolutionary biologist, on the other hand, will know them as extremely specialized, endangered animals, the evolutionary history ...

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