Related topics: species ยท fossil

Ancient whale species sheds new light on its modern relatives

Beluga whales and narwhals live solely in the cold waters of the Arctic and sub-arctic. Smithsonian scientists, however, found that this may not have always been the case. They recently described a new species of toothed ...

Scientists name two new species of horned dinosaur

Two new horned dinosaurs have been named based on fossils collected from Alberta, Canada. The new species, Unescopceratops koppelhusae and Gryphoceratops morrisoni, are from the Leptoceratopsidae family of horned dinosaurs. ...

Breathing new life into old bones

( -- Research by palaeontologists from The University of Queensland is revealing exciting new insights into one of Australia's most important dinosaur fossils.

New Scaphognathid Pterosaur found from Western Liaoning, China

The research of Chinese pterosaurs has made remarkable contributions to the study of those flying reptiles. Most specimens were unearthed from the Yixian and Jiufotang formations of western Liaoning, China. More recently, ...

Fossil Pongo showing different periodicity of Retzius lines

Periodicity of Retzius lines of primates is a key factor in dental development, and provides information on classification, evolution and adaptation of hominoids in different times and areas. Paleoanthropologists from Institute ...

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