Powers of spider venom explored in VR game

The mention of spider venom is enough to send shivers down the spine of many, but not for a group of researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) researching its ability to ease pain.

Scientists find scorpions target their venom

Dr Jamie Seymour from JCU's Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) said a typical scorpion predator would be a small mammal, while its prey was usually an insect. He said varieties of scorpion toxin ...

Okinawan pit viper genome reveals evolution of snake venom

A bite from a pit viper, locally known as habu, can cause permanent disability and even death. Yet, much about its venom remains an enigma. Highly variable in composition, even between littermates, this toxic cocktail keeps ...

Why tiger snakes are on a winner

Australian tiger snakes have "hit the jackpot" because prey cannot evolve resistance to their venom.

Lizard venom may contain clues to treating blood clots

Various types of lizard venom are being studied as possible treatments for blood clotting diseases that lead to millions of cases of stroke, heart attack, and deep-vein thrombosis annually.

Why scorpion stings are so painful

(Phys.org)—A combined team of researchers from the U.S. and China has figured out why scorpion stings are so painful. In their paper published on the open access site Science Advances, the team explains how scorpion venom ...

Milking it: A new robot to extract scorpion venom

A new scorpion-milking robot designed to extract venom could replace the traditional manual method. Scorpion venom is used in medical applications such as immunosuppressants, anti-malarial drugs and cancer research, but the ...

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