Scientists measure a debris flow in unprecedented detail

Debris flows are fast-moving and highly variable mixtures of soil, rock, water, and trees that can wreak havoc on downslope communities. Small debris lags behind larger particles, but it is not clear how this sorting occurs ...

Light pulses can behave like an exotic gas

In work published in Science, the team led by Prof. Dr. Ulf Peschel reports on measurements on a sequence of pulses that travel thousands of kilometers through glass fibers that are only a few microns thin. The researchers ...

Shear ultrasound shaking found to lower friction between solids

When high-frequency shaking occurs at an interface between two solids, recent experiments have revealed that the frictional forces between the objects can be weakened. Through a simple new experiment detailed in The European ...

Astronomers detect a second planet orbiting two stars

Planets orbiting binary stars are in a tough situation: They have to contend with the gravitational pull of two separate stars. Planetary formation around a single star like our sun is relatively straightforward compared ...

Twisting up atoms through space and time

One of the most exciting applications of quantum computers will be to direct their gaze inwards, at the very quantum rules that make them tick. Quantum computers can be used to simulate quantum physics itself, and perhaps ...

Tumultuous migration on the edge of the hot Neptune desert

All kinds of exoplanets orbit very close to their star. Some look like the Earth, others like Jupiter. Very few, however, are similar to Neptune. Why this anomaly in the distribution of exoplanets? Researchers from the University ...

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