MUTE -- Efficient city car, showcase for electromobility research

With its electric vehicle MUTE, the Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM, Germany) presents the first publicly visible result of its research program TUM.Energy. MUTE will showcase the TUM's answer to future challenges in ...

GM's EN-V Envisions Future of Personal Mobility

Rapid urbanization, aging populations and more demand for personal mobility globally present challenges today’s vehicles will be hard-pressed to meet. Envisioning what that future will need gave birth to the Electric ...

GE Unveils Their Electric Vehicle WattStation (w/ Video)

( -- On Tuesday GE announced their new smart-grid-connected electric vehicle charger called the WattStation. The WattStation will help accelerate the adoption of plug-in electric vehicles by significantly cutting ...

Autonomous vehicle technology could help blind to navigate

Navigation devices used by blind people today lack the ability to operate indoors and other areas where GPS is not available, and are unable to help the user deal with items that aren't part of maps, such as crowds and cars. ...

Electric vehicles reduce costs and protect the environment

Under which conditions are electric vehicles less expensive than diesel vehicles? What are the positive environmental effects? And what about their acceptance by users and reliability in practice? The RheinMobil project coordinated ...

Hydrogen mobility from clean energy gaining momentum in Europe

Although the mass roll-out of fuel cell electric vehicles is still years away, efforts to make hydrogen-powered cars mainstream have intensified in recent years. With Europe's ambitions to become a leader in zero-emission ...

Electric cars slow to gain traction in Germany

Germany plans to have one million electric vehicles on its roads by 2020, but so far that goal seems remote as the nation's motorists have shown little love for the quietly humming vehicles.

Compact multipurpose scooter for crowded megacities

TUM CREATE has unveiled an all-new multipurpose scooter prototype, codenamed VOI, at the 3rd Taiwan International Electric Vehicle Show. VOI gets its name from the Vietnamese word for elephant—a symbol of a safe and intelligent ...

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