Looking back on 250 years of drought on the Korean peninsula

Many farmers battled extreme drought and heatwave conditions this year. The social and economic impacts of drought are nothing new. In fact, as Korea's Joseon dynasty (1392–1910) was agrarian and highly reliant on the rice ...

First full 3D view of binary star-planet system from VLBA

By precisely tracing a small, almost imperceptible, wobble in a nearby star's motion through space, astronomers have discovered a Jupiter-like planet orbiting that star, which is one of a binary pair. Their work, using the ...

New database to support conservation

Scientists have created a new tool to fill the large gaps in our understanding of where and how human activities threaten wild species around the world.

CRISPR-Cas9 can generate unexpected, heritable mutations

CRISPR-Cas9, the "genetic scissors," creates new potential for curing diseases, but treatments must be reliable. In a new study, researchers have discovered that the method can give rise to unforeseen changes in DNA that ...

Researchers model 'red snow' algal blooming events

Red snow is a unique phenomenon caused by blooms of red algae that live on the surface of snow. Now, researchers from Japan have developed a model to predict the occurrence of red snow events. In a recent study published ...

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