Water as a metal

Under normal conditions, pure water is an almost perfect insulator. Water only develops metallic properties under extreme pressure, such as exists deep inside of large planets. Now, an international collaboration has used ...

Solving the solar cell power conversion dilemma

(PhysOrg.com) -- "There is a lot of interest in creating more efficient solar cells that are also simpler than many of the designs common now," Wladek Walukiewicz tells PhysOrg.com. "We think that, through the mixing of certain ...

Super-efficient Transistor Material Predicted

(PhysOrg.com) -- New work by condensed-matter theorists at the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Science at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory points to a material that could one day be used to make faster, more ...

White graphene exhibits high defect tolerance and elasticity

Because of their unique physical, chemical, electrical and optical properties, two-dimensional (2-D) materials have attracted tremendous attention in the past decades. After revealing the realistic strength and stretchability ...

Researchers present revolutionary light-emitting silicon

Emitting light from silicon has been the Holy Grail in the microelectronics industry for decades. Solving this puzzle would revolutionize computing, as chips will become faster than ever. Researchers from Eindhoven University ...

2D Janus materials could harvest abundant hydrogen fuel

Several studies have predicted that the water splitting reaction could be catalyzed by certain groups of 2D materials—each measuring just a few atoms thick. One particularly promising group are named 2D Janus materials, ...

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