Oil is more toxic than previously thought, study finds

Bad news for the Gulf of Mexico: a study released in late December sheds new light on the toxicity of oil in aquatic environments, and shows that environmental impact studies currently in use may be inadequate. The report ...

Life could be evolving right now on nearest exoplanets

Excitement about exoplanets skyrocketed when rocky Earth-like planets were discovered orbiting in the habitable zone of some of our closest stars – until hopes for life were dashed by the high levels of radiation bombarding ...

MIT spinoff spiffs up desktop 3-D printing with Form 1

(Phys.org)—Up to now, says a new company planning a price/quality upset in the 3-D printing market, people have been able to get affordable, low-end 3-D desktop printers but below the higher quality standards that professional ...

How do the chemicals in sunscreen protect our skin from damage?

Not so long ago, people like my Aunt Muriel thought of sunburn as a necessary evil on the way to a "good base tan." She used to slather on the baby oil while using a large reflector to bake away. Aunt Muriel's mantra when ...

Plant enzyme's origins traced to non-enzyme ancestors

(Phys.org) -- As plants began to transition from aquatic habitats to dry land some 500 million years ago, their needs changed. Those primitive ancestors of modern plants were ill-equipped to survive in a dry, sunlight-blasted ...

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