Unusual earthquakes highlight central Utah volcanoes

If you drive south through central Utah on Interstate 15 and look west somewhere around Fillmore, you'll see smooth hills and fields of black rock. The area is, aptly, named the Black Rock Desert. It may not look like much, ...

In Utah, company aims to store energy in air

A Utah company plans to dig a series of underground caverns that it hopes to one day fill with compressed air, releasing it to generate electricity by turning a turbine and solving one of the most vexing problems facing the ...

Miniaturizing America's tallest dam

Engineers at Utah State University's Utah Water Research Laboratory have constructed a 1:50 scale model of the Oroville Dam spillway.

Forecasting large earthquakes along the Wasatch Front, Utah

There is a 43% probability that the Wasatch Front region in Utah will experience at least one magnitude 6.75 or greater earthquake, and a 57 % probability of at least one magnitude 6.0 earthquake, in the next 50 years, say ...

Federal lands takeover would harm the public

The transfer of 31 million acres of land managed by the federal government to Utah would hinder public land management reforms and harm the state, according to a newly released analysis by researchers at the Wallace Stegner ...

US ski season extended as record snowpack dents Western drought

Record snowfall across much of the western United States has not only helped to alleviate drought—it has also brought a massive boon for the region's ski resorts, with many hoping to keep their lifts running deep into summer.

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